"Artificial Bid" Short Film (2018) Sci-Fi / Comedy Plot: Loneliness, a death of a close one, card games, a humanoid robot, and three 75+ fellas. In the nearer future, Eve, a chatterbox yet lonely elderly lady, gets a humanoid robot as a replacement to her bridge partner who just passed away. What starts like a love story develops into an unpredictable relationship, which Eve could somehow anticipate. Roles: Editor Director: Shira Haimovici Starring: Louise Larnbourn, Jerome Thompson Awards: Won "Tech Generation" Award at Duemila Film Festival Won the Showcase at London Film School Official Selection "Underwire 2019". IMDB Link:https://www.imdb.com/title/tt8831984/
"Interloper" Short Film (2018) Western/Thriller Plot: Set in Kansas, 1800, John lives a miserable life in a sod house with his wife, but their lives is about to be turned upside down when an injured young girl arrives at their home, asking for help. Roles: Editor/Script Developer Director:Justin Adrien Morse Starring: Ryan Davies, Jo Shirley, Saskia Vinkhuyzen Awards: Won the Showcase at London Film School
"Salsa!" Short Film (2016) Drama / Tragedy Plot: The struggles of a daydreaming Colombian janitor who aspires to become a great salsa dancer and impress those around him. Role: Producer Director: Andrea Saini Starring: Fredy Martinez
"Misplaced" Short Film (2015) Horror/Thriller Plot: A guy tries to find his phone, when suddenly it rings. What the person says on the other side is not what he was expecting to hear. Roles: Producer; Editor Director:Jonathon Bowers Starring: Lambert Grant Awards: Official Selection "BFI Future Film Festival" Top 5 Entry Tallenge Film Contest & Official Selection "TopShorts", "KODAK Film Festival", "Exposure Short Film Festival", "Student Art Festival", "NIKON European Film Festival", "Chinese American Film Festival", among others.
"Stay Still" Short Film (2015) Psychological Thriller Plot: A young photographer, Evelyn, working at an art gallery develops an obsessions as she glides through the streets of London, stalking and processing the qualities of her subject; a young man. But taste is important when it comes to art. Roles: Producer; Editor Director:Andrea Saini Starring: Elena Voce, Ben Wiggins Original Language: English Running Time: 9 min. Awards: Nominated for Best Short Narrative Film at "IndieWise Film Festival" Nominated for Best Short Film - Under 10 minutes at "InterShort Online Film Awards" Finalist at "IndustryBOOST Competition" & Semi-Finalist at "Ekurhuleni International Film Festival" Official Selection and Commendation at "Red Ditch Halloween Film Festival" Official Selection "TIF Video Challenge" IMDB Link:http://www.imdb.com/title/tt7631946